"Burning fat is extremely hard to do. It requires a lot of energy as fat is very hard to break down. Your body would rather use muscle for it's energy requirements. Secondly, the digestion of food is the most energy consuming thing the body does. Weight loss exercise is so critical to weight loss"
The healthy way to lose weight is not through crash diets, fad diets or sudden exercise. Slow changes are always better in terms of food and exercise. Someone who had never exercised for many years should not run three miles every day.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Exercise works the same way."
On the other hand people who eat a lot will face problems if they start starving themselves. Make changes gradually. If done frequently, then even a light exercise like a walk can be beneficial. Someone who increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the diet and calorie intake, will certainly lose weight.

Losing weight and keeping it off is a real challenge for most people. That's why it's important to begin a weight loss program with the help of your health care team, including, if possible, a dietitian. They can help you find ways to decrease calories but still consume the foods you enjoy. And they can suggest strategies to help you change old habits for new ones.

Exercise is also known as physical activity and includes anything that gets you moving, such as walking, dancing, or working in the yard. You can earn the benefits of being physically active without going to a gym, playing sports, or using fancy equipment. When you're physically fit, you have the strength, flexibility, and endurance needed for your daily activities. Being physically active helps you feel better physically and mentally.

Losing weight is all about expending more calories than you consume throughout the day. It is well known that this may be achieved by eating well and exercising, but it is not commonly understood which exercise program is the best for burning the most calories in a day.
Muscle is the body's metabolic engine. Muscle is heavier than fat by two times and is very needy of calories. That is to say that for every pound of muscle you carry, your body needs 50 calories a day to sustain it. Its why weight loss exercise is so important for your health. Muscle looks better than fat. A more muscular person has more fun, is less prone to injury.

Program 1
- Start by exercising for 10 minutes, 6 days per week, or 20 minutes, 3 days per week. If you can do 60 minutes then even better.
- Always start with a light walk to warm up, and then increase the pace of your walk.
Program 2
- Warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes.
- Power walk for 5 minutes, slow walk for 2 minutes.
- Repeat for duration of your walk.
- Always complete a warm down before finishing the session.
Program 3
- Warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes.
- Power walk for 500m, slow walk for 100m.
- Repeat for the duration of your walk.
- Always complete a warm down before finishing the session.
Program 4
- Warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes.
- Jog for 50m, walk for 500m.
- Repeat 5 times.
- Always complete a warm down before finishing the session.
Program 5
- Warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes.
- Walk up 20 steps (not floors), and then complete a 2 minute recovery walk on level ground.
- Repeat 5 times.
- Always complete a warm down before finishing the session.
The Best Time of Day to Exercise
Some people argue that the best time to exercise is first thing in the morning because it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day. While the research in this area is scarce, boosting your metabolism during the day is not enough of a reason to exercise first thing in the morning. Frankly, your metabolism is elevated anytime you exercise, especially when performing a resistance training routine or a fast-paced circuit training workout.
The more important reason to exercise first thing in the morning is because it kick-starts your day, sets a positive mood for the rest of the day and prevents you from missing your exercise session when something unplanned “comes up.” If you are a morning person, then exercise in the morning. If you like to plan a lunchtime run or quick resistance training session, that is fine too. You may be the type of person who likes to get home from work, kick off the shoes and quickly start your routine before the kids get home or before you start your chores.

Whatever the case, exercise at a time that works best for you and the results will follow: increased metabolism and better physical and mental health. The time you may want to avoid exercising is an hour or two before retiring to bed.
Estimated Number Of Calories Burned While Performing A Variety Of Exercises For One Hour
Activity (one-hour duration) | Weight of person and calories burned | ||
160 pounds (73 kilograms) | 200 pounds (91 kilograms) | 240 pounds (109 kilograms) | |
Aerobics, high impact | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Aerobics, low impact | 365 | 455 | 545 |
Aerobics, water | 292 | 364 | 436 |
Backpacking | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Basketball game | 584 | 728 | 872 |
Bicycling,<>292 | 364 | 436 | |
Bowling | 219 | 273 | 327 |
Canoeing | 256 | 319 | 382 |
Dancing, ballroom | 219 | 273 | 327 |
Football, touch, flag, general | 584 | 728 | 872 |
Golfing, carrying clubs | 329 | 410 | 491 |
Hiking | 438 | 546 | 654 |
Ice skating | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Jogging, 5 mph | 584 | 728 | 872 |
Racquetball, casual, general | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Rollerblading | 913 | 1,138 | 1,363 |
Rope jumping | 730 | 910 | 1,090 |
Rowing, stationary | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Running, 8 mph | 986 | 1,229 | 1,472 |
Skiing, cross-country | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Skiing, downhill | 365 | 455 | 545 |
Skiing, water | 438 | 546 | 654 |
Softball or baseball | 365 | 455 | 545 |
Stair treadmill | 657 | 819 | 981 |
Swimming, laps | 511 | 637 | 763 |
Tae kwon do | 730 | 910 | 1,090 |
Tai chi | 292 | 364 | 436 |
Tennis, singles | 584 | 728 | 872 |
Volleyball | 292 | 364 | 436 |
Walking, 2 mph | 183 | 228 | 273 |
Walking, 3.5 mph | 277 | 346 | 414 |
Weightlifting, free weight, Nautilus or universal type | 219 | 273 | 327 |
Why is exercise so good for you?

- Elevates your metabolism so that you burn more calories every day.
- Increases you aerobic capacity (fitness level). This gives you the ability to go through each day with less relative energy expenditure. This enables a 'fit' person to have more energy left at the end of the day and to get more accomplished during the day with less fatigue.
- Maintains, tones, and strengthens your muscle. Exercise also increases your muscular endurance.
- Decreases your blood pressure.
- Increases the oxidation (breakdown and use) of fat.
- Increases HDL (good) cholesterol.
- Makes the heart a more efficient pump by increasing stroke volume.
- Increases hemoglobin concentration in your blood. Hemoglobin is part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
- Decreases the tendency of the blood to clot in the blood vessels. This is important because small clots traveling in the blood are often the cause of heart attacks and strokes.
- Increases the strength of bones.
- Causes the development of new blood vessels in the heart and other muscles.
- Enlarges the arteries that supply blood to the heart.
- Decreases blood levels of triglycerides (fat).
- Improves control of blood sugar.
- Improves sleeping patterns.
- Increases the efficiency of the digestive system which may reduce the incidence of colon cancer.
- Increases the thickness of cartilage in joints, which has a protective effect on the joints.
- Decreases a woman's risk of developing endometrials by 50%.
- Reduced stress.
- Effective weight control
- Increased muscle tissue, healthy bones and flexible joints.
- Increased balanced and coordination which is especially important in older adults.
- Better mental well-being.
- Increases the amount of blood that flows to the skin making it look healthier and feel better.
- Reduced risk of heart disease.
- Decreases total blood cholesterol
- Reduced risk of diabetes.
- Reduced risk of osteoporosis.
- Decreased resting heart rate.
- Increases lung capacity
- Increased amount of blood your heart can pump in a single beat.
- Reduced feelings of depression
"Being active — either through physical activity or through a formal exercise program — is an essential component of a weight-loss program. When you're active, your body uses energy (calories) to work, helping to burn the calories you take in with food you eat."
If you're like most people, you have a lot of exercise and health questions. In spite of the widespread abundance of books, videos and the internet available today, many of the same questions remain unanswered in the minds of Americans. Put a True or False next to each question to see how many you get right.
1.Doing sit-ups will flatten your tummy.
2.Skinny people don't need to exercise.
3.The "Fat Burn" program on the treadmill is the best for weight loss.
4.When I stop exercising, muscle turns to fat.
5.Osteoporosis is an old-persons disease.
6.Women who strength train will get big, bulky muscles.
7. Lactic acid causes muscles to be sore the day after working out.
8.Soy protein will lower cholesterol.
9. Strength training is safe for children.
10.Eating low fat foods is best for weight loss.
11.Muscle weighs more than fat.
12.Muscle burns more calories than fat.
1. False. Abdominal exercises such as sit ups and crunches strengthen abdominal muscles but do little to reduce fat from that area. Aerobic exercise like walking or bicycling will decrease fat from the tummy better than crunches. Most ab-gizmos advertised on TV come with a low-calorie eating plan that should be followed for maximal abdominal definition and weight loss.

2. False. Skinny people also must exercise. A receptionist brought this up recently when I was in the hospital having some routine tests done. She was very thin and was convinced only overweight people have to exercise. Being thin is not the same thing as being healthy. While it's true that obesity is associated with a number of diseases, the fact remains that skinny people get heart attacks too. This woman was so skinny in fact that I pointed out to her that she might be at risk for osteoporosis.
3. False. We are usually burning a mixture of fats and carbohydrates for energy. The fat-burn program on treadmills and other cardiovascular gym equipment is based on the fact that we burn more fat at lower levels of exercise intensity. Higher intensity exercise burns more carbohydrates for fuel -and also uses more calories. The fat burn program usually holds us at about 60% of estimated maximum heart rate which is sometimes a good starting point for the person beginning an exercise program. Greater intensities and lengths of time working out will result in more calories burned-which if coupled with reductions in the number of calories eaten, promotes weight loss.
4. False. Muscle and fat are two different tissues. We cannot transform muscle into fat and fat can't turn into muscle. This myth was probably started by older athletes who, after retiring, stop exercising but to continue to eat as if they were still working out. The combination of shrinking muscles from inactivity, coupled with excess calories eaten give the illusion that muscle has been transformed into fat.
5. False.Would you believe that bone loss starts to occur around the age of 35! Osteoporosis is starting to be seen as a disease that actually begins in youth. Getting adequate calcium in the diet as well as doing resistance training when we are young can strengthen bones and offs
set the ravages of osteoporosis when we are older. Studies of seniors who strength train also show increases in bone mass. So it's ever too late to start lifting weights! If you have osteoporosis or any medical conditions, consult your physician before starting an exercise program and then get proper guidance from an exercise professional on the best exercise to stimulate bone growth.
6. False. Women lack the hormones to needed make their muscles big like that of men. Even the biggest of female bodybuilders are smaller than male bodybuilders. Women who have overly large muscles often get them because they lift very heavy weights, exercise for several hours a day, and consume many thousands of calories. Sometimes they are also blessed with muscle fibers that get bigger from strength training. Strength training is something all women should do to improve the quality and quantity of their lives!
7. False. Lactic acid, produced from the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates causes the feeling of muscle burning and fatigue during exercise. Studies show that most lactic acid is removed from the muscles about one hour after exercise. So, the lactic acid is not around 24-72 hrs later when muscle soreness shows up. The muscle pain that is felt 24-72 hrs after exercise is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Studies show that most DOMS is caused by eccentric muscle contractions ("negatives" as they are sometimes called in the gym). Eccentric muscle contractions occur muscle fibers lengthen, such as when you lower a weight.
8. True. Studies show that if you have high cholesterol, consuming soy protein, when combined with a diet that is low in saturated fat can reduce total cholesterol levels by about 9%. Studies also show soy can reduce LDL, the so- called-bad cholesterol, by about 13% and lower triglycerides (blood fats) by about 11%. These effects may take 2 months before they are observed. See your doctor if you have a history of breast or bladder cancer. Some experts theorize that high levels of soy may activate these cancers. This is a controversial area of research but it is best to discuss this with your doctor to be on the safe side.
9. True. Studies do not generally show damage to growth plates or other injuries resulting from resistance training in children if they are under the guidance of a professional. Children are not miniature adults and should not lift heavy weights. Before puberty, when testosterone levels are low, children will not increase the size of their muscles from strength training. The focus should be on proper lifting technique and lighter resistances. Manual resistance, body weight resistance, dumbbells and some machines may be appropriate for children.
10. False. It's possible for a food to have almost zero fat yet be teeming with calories. Remember, its reductions in calories eaten, not fat, that causes real weight loss.
11. False. Muscle and fat weigh the same. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound.
12. True. It's estimated that a pound of muscle burns between 20 to 80 extra calories per day. Fat burns essentially zero calories. Thus, adding muscle can help you burn more calories and lose more weight.
Click For More Information:
Weight Loss Exercise Jumping Rope ,
Weight Loss Exercise-8 Simple Stretches ,
Aerobic Exercise For Weight Loss ,
Well said.
ReplyDeleteI think drinking enough water with weight loss Exercise will add more to loose weight fast and in a healthy fashion.
ReplyDeletei browsed your blog... its good.. weight loss Exercise is very goog
ReplyDeleteNice post, thanks for sharing this wonderful and useful information with us.